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Monday, April 18, 2011

Well We're STUCK in a RUT of..... MESS!

I had someone ask me "how do you get rid of the mess? I mean there are so many things that I have and I have no idea what to keep and what to throw away."
Take inventory of the items in your home. Seperate items as
1. Seasonal- Holiday or Family event items (things you use once a year, i.e. christmas decorations)
2. Occassional- things that you use for events (formal dinnerware, linens, or things that you use for parties)
3. Everyday- things that you just can't live without and use more often than not (i.e. small kitchen appliances, your favorite chair, etc)
4. Never- things that have collected dust (i.e. the wonderful Christmas sweater your grandmother gave you that you will never wear)
5. What is that?!- things that have fallen off of other things or mismatched items that have no home or use

Throw away or recycle the items that fall into "what is that?!" category. You'll never use them and probably don't know what they are for.

Give or sell the things that you have never used.

Count the number of like items in the Everyday category: if you have 3 staplers or 4 crockpots pare down to 2 of each and sell those extra items if they are working.

Waste not want not is the rule here: use what you can and maybe keep a back up, but neveer more. Think about the people that will enjoy that 3rd crockpot that you've never used.

Have some questions? Need some answers? email us at rulesofarrangement@yahoo.com

Monday, March 7, 2011

Organizing Paperwork and Documents

 Organizing your records and paperwork is not always the easiest thing to do.
Before organizing your files determine what you are going to place your files in and how you want them arranged. Some people prefer to keep files in binders* or accordian type file folders** or in file cabinets***
1. The first thing you must do is review the paperwork that you have. Determine what things you can shred, what things need to be placed in a safety deposit box (bond information, cd information, important documents that can't be lost), and what items that belong in your personal files at home.
2. After you have divided those documents take the items that you want to keep in your home and divide them into categories:
EX: Medical, insurance, banking information, real estate (properties etc), Tax information, utilities, Financial information, etc.
3. Then take the categories and make sub files. EX: Medical files would include HMO/PPO information, Lab work, doctor information, DNR information, directives for next of kin, etc
4. After you have made sub files then you are ready to place your information in the system you chose before organizing.
*If you have chosen Binders: Purchase a binder for each Category (you want to purchase these by size for the amount of information and documents that you are placing in the binder); purchase dividers for the sub files (there are several: tabbed, sleeved, etc); name cards or labels for the outside of the binders. Insert the dividers into the binders and label them according to sub file. Place the documents behind the dividers.
**If you have chosen an accordian file (you can choose lettered, numbered, or clear) you need to determine if you want an accordian file for each category or if you will use one accordian file for all categories.This makes things difficult to organize because you can't create sub files as easily.
***If you have chosen File folders and hanging files you want to be sure to purchase the size that is appropriate for the filing cabinet or filing box that you are using (you can purchase really inexpensive filing boxes at your local big box store, or you can purchase a filing cabinet based on your needs and budget). You also want to purchase labels to fit the file folders (for an organized and neat look type your labels). Hanging Files are for categories & file folders are to be used for sub files. After you have labeled your hanging files and file folders place your documents in the file folders and then place the file folders in the hanging files.

More tips to come...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Closet Trips & Quick Tips

Closet Trips
Are you triping over shoes, clothes, belts, and debris on your closet floors? Well here are a few solutions...
Closet organizers such as shoe organizers, expandable hanging bars (to add another row of hanging space for blouses, shirts, pants, etc), multiple shelf organizer (fabric organizer), storage baskets/boxes, and stackable organizers can be found at big box stores such as ClosetMaid, Target, WalMart, HomeDepot, Lowes etc.

Quick tips:
Great ideas for hanging belts, necklaces, and scarfs:
1. Cork boards: There are varying sizes of cork boards available so find the size that best fits your space (4x3, 2x3, etc can be found easily at your local hobby store). Secure the cork board to an accessible wall in your closet with a wall anchor and screw (use 1 screw for small cork boards and 2 or more for larger cork boards). Then find your favorite color push pins and place them an inch apart horiozontally for the 1st row; you want to begin 1 inch from the edge of the cork board. The second row of push pins will begin 1 1/2 inches from the edge of the cork board, the third row will begin 1 inch from the edge and will alternate this way for any additional rows (you want to do this for space & a uniform look)
2. Tiered pant hangers (they look like regular hangers at the top, but the have several tiers)
These are better used for scarfs and belts, as necklaces are more fragile and tend to tangle. Try to find the tiered pant hangers with moveable or open ended arms for easy removal.

Fun ideas for drawers or storage boxes in your closets:
1. try fun baskets that you may find at your local big box store or at your discount retail stores (they have great things that come in from top brand designers that you can inexpensively)
2. try vintage hat baskets of varying sizes to store things such as hand bags, belts, scarfs, etc.
3. Mesh and wire baskets and boxes if you want a more industrial look
4. Cargo boxes

Visit the following websites for more ideas and products:



Friday, February 4, 2011

IRuleClutter- Rules of Arrangement

*IRuleClutter is a blog about your clutter and how to manage and arrange your life. IRuleClutter's blogger is CAO (Chief Arrangement Officer) of Rules of Arrangement, organizing services, located in Dallas, Texas.*

We are very excited about our first blog! I have decided that this is one of the best ways for Rules of Arrangement to share ideas with the world. Follow us as we offer new insights on organizing your homes and businesses.

Our motto is Organize for life: The life of your family, your business, your... well, sanity.
Please follow us on Facebook at Rules Of Arrangement: Organizing for Life and @IRuleClutter on Twitter.

