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Monday, April 18, 2011

Well We're STUCK in a RUT of..... MESS!

I had someone ask me "how do you get rid of the mess? I mean there are so many things that I have and I have no idea what to keep and what to throw away."
Take inventory of the items in your home. Seperate items as
1. Seasonal- Holiday or Family event items (things you use once a year, i.e. christmas decorations)
2. Occassional- things that you use for events (formal dinnerware, linens, or things that you use for parties)
3. Everyday- things that you just can't live without and use more often than not (i.e. small kitchen appliances, your favorite chair, etc)
4. Never- things that have collected dust (i.e. the wonderful Christmas sweater your grandmother gave you that you will never wear)
5. What is that?!- things that have fallen off of other things or mismatched items that have no home or use

Throw away or recycle the items that fall into "what is that?!" category. You'll never use them and probably don't know what they are for.

Give or sell the things that you have never used.

Count the number of like items in the Everyday category: if you have 3 staplers or 4 crockpots pare down to 2 of each and sell those extra items if they are working.

Waste not want not is the rule here: use what you can and maybe keep a back up, but neveer more. Think about the people that will enjoy that 3rd crockpot that you've never used.

Have some questions? Need some answers? email us at rulesofarrangement@yahoo.com

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